Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Benefits Of Google Analytics

Today we are discussing the Benefits of Google Analytics. We know that Google Analytics is a web-based service provided by Google. And that track and reports website traffic.

Why we need Google Analytics?

Do you have a blog or a static website? If the solution is affirmativewhether or not they area unit for private or business use, then you would like Google Analytics. Here some of the various questions about your website that you just will answer by using Google Analytics.

  • How many visitors visit your blog or website?
  • Where do your visitors live?
  • Do you want a mobile-friendly website?
  • What websites send traffic to your website?
  • What are the promoting ways drive the foremost traffic to my website?
  • Which pages on my website are the foremost popular?
  • How many visitors have you regenerated into leads or customers?
  • Where did your converting visitors come from and go on your website or blog? 
  • How can you able to improve your website's speed?
  • What type of blog contents do your visitors like the most?

Commonly they are a different type of traffic's, such as:

  1. Direct Traffic
  2. Organic Traffic
  3. Social Media Traffic
  4. Referral Traffic
  5. Ad Traffic

Direct Traffic

direct traffic
When a visitor follows a link from one web site to a differentthe positioning of origin is taken into account the referrer. These sites may be search engines, social media, blogs, or different websites that have links to different websites. Direct traffic categorizes visits that don't come back from a referring URL.

Referral Traffic

The Referral traffic is Google's technique for reporting visits that came to your website from sources outside of its search engine. When someone clicks on a  hyperlink to go to a new page on a different website or blog, the Google Analytics tracks the clicking as a referral visit to the second website.

Social Media Traffic 

social media traffic
If every route into a town may be a completely different source of website visitors, your social media traffic actually is a pillar to your route infrastructure. Getting people to your website through social media engagement is toughespecially if you are on a restricted budget and already making an attempt paid to advertise.

Ad traffic

Ad traffic also is known as paid traffic. Ad traffic managers work in an advertising agency. They are responsible for managing the flow of work to ensure that ads are completed on time for publication or broadcast. They additionally make sure that the ads area are completed at intervals budget.

Organic traffic

Organic traffic is the opposite of paid traffic, that defines the visits generated by the paid ads. The visitors who are considered organic, find your website or blog after using a search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing, etc. so that they are not “referred” by any other website.

I have already published a post on the Google Search Console

Friday, June 28, 2019

Google Search Console

Today we discussed to the Google Webmaster's Tools (GWT) or Google Search Console. It is a web service provided by Google and help to controlled form to do SEO. In 2015 May, Google rebranded Google Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console. It allows them to check indexing status and optimize visibility of our websites. The search console is a Mock point, that means easily communicate with Google. And informs the defects of your website. 

Verification Methods

Google provides such verification methods. They are:






Google Analytics


Google Tag Manager


Domain Name Providerdomainname

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

SEO Onpage Optimization

Here we discussed about SEO On page Optimization, The on page refers to the both content and HTML, source code of a page that can be optimized. It is a white hat Seo technique. The on page Seo optimization consist of all things that you do on your website and that help to increase your page rank. They are many different on page optimization aspects includes: Headings,URL structure,Meta descriptions,Body section, etc.

Header Section

Your page tittle are one of the most important aspect. It contains 55 to 60 character's and pixel width consist of 512 pixel. Each page or post have a unique page tittle. Which includes the main keyword for that page. For example you already post a blog about search engine optimization. Someone search the details of search engine optimization, then your post has a better chance to showing up the result. Because you are included these keywords. 

Body Section

When writing your webpages or blog post, you must break the content into smaller parts or paragraphs. it makes easier to catch peoples. The H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 tags are make it easy. Normally the H1 tags are reserved for the post tittle, it is usually be the largest text for highlighting section. There are the other header tags includes H2,H3,etc are sub heading,minor heading respectively.

Meta Descriptions

Sometimes we are forget to include meta description for our webpages. But the meta descriptions are important because it include relevant keywords if our content. And these meta descriptions help to list our webpage in search result. The meta description by page contain 155 to 160 characters and meta description by blog post contain 155 characters. The pixel width of meta description consist of 1024pixel.


The meta description is an HTML tag, and it like html code for the page:
<meta name="description" content="A page's description,
usually one or two sentences."/>

Content Optimization

Content of a page or post is the most important factor for search result ranking. The sentence of the content should be simple, it make easier to catch user's. To follow the focusing keyword by writing the first sentence of the content. 

Keyword Density

The percentage of repeated keywords is known as keyword density. The long tailed keywords are easily to use high ranking. And the focusing keywords arrange before  " ."  Or  "," helps to increase the ranking.

The focusing keyword specify gray color, jquery, animation, marque are increase the page ranking.

Anchor Text Optimization

The term of adding Hyperlink is known as Anchor text. The content portion is the most visible area in your page. In crawling process, it work as a booster. The anchor text provides the both users and search engines, for relevant information about the contents of link destination.


The above example Tiny dancing horse is the Anchor text. And here focusing keywords are not use for anchor text because it decrease your page ranking.

Image Optimization


Image optimization is the process of reducing the image size without change their quality. Normally the google identification for an image using fundamental elements like:
* Alt name: alt text is an attribute, that added to the Html tag.
* File name: save image in a filename related to the image details.
* Select content related to the image.

<img src=" image URL" alt="image name"/>

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

History and Evolution of Google SEO

Today we discussed about History and evolution of google and google SEO updates. The google was officially launched in 1998 by, Larry Page and Sergey Brin to Market Google search. It is the most commonly used Web-based Search engines.


What is SEO?

The SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization", it is the process of getting traffic from the "free", "organic", "editorial", or. "natural" search result on search engines. That means the process of increasing the quality of website traffic by increasing visibility of a website or webpage to user of web search engines.Commonly they are two type of SEO's:   White Hat SEO that refers to a set procees or techniques by obtaining the privacy and policy. Black Hat SEO is the vice versa of white hat. That means it violates the privacy and policy.




In Content specific algorithm, repeats keyword for increasing ranking. The technique for repeat keyword is known as Keyword Stuffing. It is a black hat Seo technique. In this situation improve the quality of search results, google introduce Link specific algorithm. It depends on the maximum number of your website links shared to other websites. It increases the belief on your website. In this case links are available for sell, then overcome the situation google introduce quality link specific algorithm. Here google authorized a trust value or page rank. The page rank is a way of measuring the quality of website.Passing the juice here the page rank by passing the equity of your website.

Google SEO updates

Panda Update

In February 2011 Google introduced new update against content spamming. It was the one of the first google update to avoid content duplication, grammatical error's, spelling mistakes. Aftereffect the Tiny pages (blank pages) are removed to google. Again 2012 the new version of panda will arrived. And 2014, panda 4.0 version to avoid duplication.

penguinPenguin Update

The penguin update was introduced in 2012 to avoid link spamming. That means low quality links are used in ranking. Some kinds of link spamming are: paid links, link exchange, internal links, comment spamming,link scheme, link automation, wiki spamming, etc. In 2015 September to october. Penguin 4.0 version in arrived. It is a Real time updation.

 Pigeon  Update


The pigeon update launched in July 2014 is associated with local SEO. The algorithm aimed to increase the ranking of listing local search result . The algorithm to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results that are tied more closely to traditional web search ranking signals. The steps of local optimization are:

Possum Updation

The possum algorithm initially released in September 2016. The algorithm also related to local SEO. The possum algorithm aimed to increase the ranking of nearest search result, by the support of google map.

Hummingbird Update

  The hummingbird update introduced in 2013. Hummingbird algorithm helps to listing the semantic search result. It also provide deep contents on individual pages of a website


The update is released in April 2015.The mobilegeddon algorithm normally known as mobile friendly algorithm. This algorithm boost the mobile friendly websites on user's search result.

Rank Brain Update

Rank brain algorithm is introduced in 2015. It is a machine learning based algorithm and associate with Hummingbird algorithm. It known as spring time, that means work like a human and it is closely related to artificial intelligence.

Parked Domain

Parked domain algorithm was  introduced in April 2012.

EMD Update

The EMD update introduced in September 2012 and the EMD stands for "Exact Match Domain". Here the focussing keyword is same as the EMD.

Pirate Updation

The pirate algorithm launched in August 2012. This updation prohibited the copy right based on the DMCA( Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

Medic Updation

The Medic updation introduced in August 2018 and depends on the Health. That means the fake details contained website removed in search engines.